In medical school, the word"pimping" takes on a whole different meaning.

Canes and golden chalices are not involved. (Boo).
Pimping is the not-so-subtle game that residents and attendings (basically doctors) play that is also known as "make the medical students sweat."
It involves asking the medical students obscure and sometimes irrelevant questions during morning rounds that test the depth of their medical knowledge, while making them doubt everything they've ever learned in medical school.
I've heard of this phenomenon before, it's a medical school urban legend. And I had (luckily) barely encountered it before (at least not floridly). Until Monday morning.
It was my first day at the new hospital, and wanting to make a good impression I put on my best "intelligent" face and my favorite pair of blue crocodile Sanitas.

It was all downhill from there. One clinical knowledge question after the other, rapid fire, tossed out like a bone to the two medical students to see who would win the backyard brawl. I'm competitive, sure, but phew boy what a way to say "Wake up Allie, welcome to medicine."
But I digress. There really isn't a way to tie pimping to the mini muffins I want to share today, but thought I'd give you a peek into my Monday funday ;-).
Blueberry Butterscotch Streusel Mini Muffins
(recipe modified from Mama Pea)
So cute you just want to, well, eat them
1 1/2 c. whole wheat pastry flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup sugar (I used 1/4 cup splenda, 1/4 cup cane sugar)
1 tsp cinnamon
2/3 cup milk (I used soy)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/3 c. orange juice (I used simply orange)
1/3 c. canola oil
Fold in:
2/3 c. fresh blueberries
2 TBSP butterscotch chips
1 TBSP peanut butter chips
Streusel topping:
2 TBSP brown sugar
1 TBSP cane sugar
2 TbSP whole wheat flour
2 TBSP vegan margarine (i.e. Earth Balance)
3 TBSP rolled oats
1 tsp cinnamon
1. Preheat oven to 400F. Grease muffin tins (I used 24 minis, can also make 12 large)
2. Pour dry ingredients in one bowl and mix thorougly.
3. Mix wet ingredients into another bowl.
4. Pour wet into dry, mix until combined. Fold in blueberries and chippers. Set aside.
5. Mix streusel topping (I melted the butter for ~10 sec in the microwave).
6. Top each muffin with a spoonful of streusel.
7. Bake at 400 F for 15-17 mins for minis, or 23-25 mins for large.
These are buttery delicious, and perfect brain fuel for the month ahead. True to (impatient) form, however, I tried to remove them from the muffin tins before they'd cooled. Messiness (and lots o' crumbs) ensued.
I'm not too proud to admit when I've messed up... .
Unless it's on rounds.
And for those morning pimping moments...
No worries, I've got extra strength anti-perspirant ;-)