Today is Thanksgiving.

What? You already knew? And you've been dreading it for a month?
I probably spend too much of my free time reading others blogs, and this week I have come across a lot of panic about Thanksgiving.
Lets put this in perspective people. It is ONE meal. This is not a make or break situation. Don't let this wonderful holiday season be controlled by food.
Of course I realize that for many people the Thanksgiving meal turns into a week of leftovers, which starts off a chain reaction and before you know it you have eaten your way through December and are once again starting off the New Year with a resolution to lose weight.
You CAN break this cycle while still enjoying yourself this season. What do I suggest?
Like I mentioned above, make it just one meal. Leftovers never do justice to the real thing anyway. Enjoy a serving of the foods you love, just use moderation. It's possible to make healthier choices on Thanksgiving. Picking the pumpkin pie over the pecan could save you close to 300 calories. Don't really love rolls? Don't eat one, save those calories for something you prefer. You won't offend your host by not sampling every single thing on the table. I found this great Thanksgiving Calorie Calculator. Of course it's a generalization, but it lets you click what you're going to eat and then tells you how much the average person would have to walk in order to burn off what they've eaten. You can check it out ahead of time and hopefully being prepared will help you stay on target.
And if all of that fails and you go overboard, simply move on from there. I spent years in the horrible cycle of overeating and then thinking, "Well, I've already messed up today, may as well enjoy it more."
Just remember- Food tastes good for an instant, being healthy feels good for a lifetime.
So, how do I plan on surviving the meal?
Skip it! Yep, no turkey at our house. :) We won't be around family this year so we have decided to spend the day at Disney. (jealous?) I've got Subway sandwhiches packed and we are heading out the door. We went to Disney this time last year so I guess it's a new tradition of sorts.
My only baking consisted of "re-working" zucchini and pumpkin bread recipes to make them a little healthier. I put my lovely Newmans Own Organic samples to good use. Their organic raisins are super moist!
1 cup sugar
1/2 can pumpkin
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
1/4 cup egg substitute (or 1 egg)
3/4 cups self-rising flour
3/4 cups whole wheat flour
1 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg or allspice
1 cup chopped nuts or raisins, optional
In a bowl, combine the sugar, pumpkin, applesauce and egg; mix well.
Sift together flour, cinnamon, and nutmeg; gradually add to pumpkin mixture and mix well.
Stir in nuts or raisins if desired.
Put into loaf pan coated with cooking spray.
Bake at 350° for 50-60 minutes
This holiday really isn't about the food. Let's remember it's about taking the time to be thankful. I am so blessed and I'd like to take this time to tell you why.
-I am thankful for a loving, supportive family.
-I am thankful for my husband, who has stood by me whether I fat or thin(ish):).
-I am thankful for my son, who is truly the biggest blessing in my life.
-I am thankful to this blogging community that offers me such wonderful inspiration and support.
-I am thankful for our service men and women.
-I am thankful that I have finally taken control of my life.
-I am thankful that I am healthy and happy.
What are your plans for the day?
Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!