The Connection Runners

Product Reviews

I just read this article about the new ruling by the Federal Trade Commission. Basically a blogger must disclose when they are paid (whether in samples or money) to review a product. This ruling is effective Dec.1, violators could be fined up to $11,000.

I agree with this ruling. So many people are influenced to try new products by the blogs they follow, this should help them make a more informed decision on their own.

Most of the blogs I follow seem to be pretty good about stating up front that they received samples of the product they reviewed. A review that comes to mind was Crabby's review on Vitamuffins which came right about the time a Vitalicious banner started showing on her main page. Crabby admitted right up front they were a sponsor and she had been given samples. She then proceeded to give an honest review of the product. There was even a list of things she DIDN'T like about the muffins and brownies.

How do you feel about the new FTC ruling? Any fellow bloggers against it?

Crabby's review made me want to try the Vitalicioius products, and I would definitely love to try out samples of the Amys Organic products. Yum!

If you could receive samples from a company in exchange for reviewing their "health food" product, which food would it be?